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Honey Pot's Beatrice Dixon on building a disruptive brand that champions women out of her kitchen

Joining me on the show today is Beatrice Dixon, Co-Founder of The Honey Pot, a plant based feminine care brand that cares about the health of our vaginas.

The Honey Pot has grown from being made in her kitchen for herself and her friends to being stocked in every Target and Walmart around America.

What started as something that came to her in a dream changed the course of her life and millions of other women's lives around the world.

We talk about the event that really led to her and her brother starting the brand, when you should and shouldn’t fundraise, and why their brand resonates with so many women.

Please note, this transcript has been copy pasted without the lovely touch of a human editor. Please expect some typos!

So my name is Beatrice Dixon. I'm the co-founder and CEO of the Honey Pot Company. The Honey Pot Company is a plant based or plant derived feminine hygiene company. And we focus on everything that a woman needs for her daily monthly health or anything revolving around vulval care, vaginalis care, menstrual care, the vagina company.

I think I've read you read you call it that. We are the vagina company. Exactly. I love that.

I read that the honey pot came to you in a dream. So I want to go back to your life before the honey pot and what was happening and what led to that dream coming about.

So I was literally just dealing with bacterial vaginosis for almost a year. That's really what was happening. And what made the dream come about, I think, is just the struggle that I was going through. My grandmother in the dream told me that she had been walking with me and seeing me struggle. And, you know, she told me that what she was giving me was basically going to solve my problem. And so in the dream, she had a piece of paper. I had a list of ingredients. She kept telling me to memorize it. That's what I did. And I made it, used it and it worked.

That is so crazy. What was in the what was on the list?

Coconut oil, water. Apple cider vinegar, lavender, rose garlic, very simple ingredients, you know, but the point of it was for me to make a formula, you know? Because everything is blended together cold, I didn't have to do anything crazy or anything crazy heat things up and things like that, but it was really like a vagina potion. You know, I love that it sounds magical and I feel like it is magical.

Yeah. I mean, I guess it actually is magic, especially coming to you in a from your grandma. That's so beautiful. Exactly. And I've never met my grandmother. My grandmother died when my mother was very young.

Oh wow. That's so interesting. So what happens next? You you create the potion. It obviously works.

Yeah. What's the next? And then I create the potion from there I start giving it away because I had to make sure that it worked not for just me, but for everybody. I did that for like a year and a half and then, you know, people that I was giving it away were like, you can't give me this anymore, you know, I want to pay you. So they started to be like email customers and then. And those people, they started ordering email, we basically had a it wasn't anything major, we hadn't launched a website or anything yet, but then an opportunity came to go to a trade show, which is called the Bronner Brothers Hair Show.

We did that. That was like February of 2014. I got the you know, I met somebody that knew somebody that could help me get a booth. And my brother, who's my co-founder, you know, basically puts together the money with one of his friends. And we bought bottles, caps, labels, ingredients, all set up a little assembly line for us to make the product. And we just got started. And the process was, if that went well, right then, then that would really open the door to us actually doing this. If it didn't go well, then maybe we would have focused on something else, but it ended up going really well. We sold like six hundred bottles in a weekend.

Oh, my God, that's crazy. Yeah. So you were like, OK, this is this is something we have a business here. People obviously want. It is a market for it. So what happens next? Do you have to like, I don't know, get money from somewhere. Do you have savings? How much does it cost to create.

No, I would never have any savings. We just started a website.

You know, we my brother and he he's our CFO at the time as our CFO. But at that time, it wasn't like we needed to raise money. We needed to build a concept. So we started a website. He had friends that built websites. So we built a website. We started getting into small stores. We got into Whole Foods regionally. You know, it was just kind of just slow building.

Then from there, we realized that we couldn't just sell watches because people weren't, you know, because you need in the consumer packaged goods space, the key word is can still write.

You need people to consume your shit if they're not consuming it fast enough that you're not making money fast enough. Right. So what we realized is that we needed to bring in other brands because it wasn't like we could brand everything ourselves at that point. Right. Like what we do right now. So what we did is we brought in brands, a brand that did white brand. They did. PAD's Pantelion is a brand that did mommy products. We just kind of created this marketplace, just kind of little of the vagina story in a way. And what we saw is huge growth, huge meaning. We went from like thirty thousand, maybe two hundred and forty thousand, which is still a lot of money, you know, at that time. And so we did that and then that started going well. And then in twenty sixteen that's when targeting twenty seventeen we got into target twenty eighteen. Was pretty much we were still in Target, had some other retailers, but really the biggest retailer was Target, you know, two thousand nineteen is when things really started to get big and we got in a Walmart started falling into other retailers from there.

But, wow, what a crazy journey I want to dig into like the earlier phase, when you see getting into Target, like, how did you get into Target? How were you like how were you growing and finding all of those customers and getting people consuming your products?

I mean, we were doing a lot of events, a lot of festivals, a lot of Trajan's, a lot of Expo's. But this was a time when that was happening a lot. Right? We were building our social organically. You know, word of mouth was a thing. That's really how we really grew. Our brand is through word of mouth because our products are good, you know? And so the way we got into Target is the buyer had went to get her hair done and her and our hairdresser were talking about. Feminine care, because that's the that's the part of the department that she was buying, right. And they were talking about her new job and her hairdresser accident, you know, about honey pot. And she said no. And she came and looked at stuff and then she contacted us and then we met over the phone because, you know, they don't just right away just invite you to their headquarters. Now, you're not going to headquarters at all because, you know, nobody's work at headquarters. Right. And then we got invited for a second meeting and then a third meeting in and all these things like. You know, you have to do a lot. You have to get a broker once you start getting into the process because the because the buyer in a buyer doesn't necessarily want to. They want to deal with the brand, but they have to deal with the brand in a kind of in a silo because brands don't speak buyer, language, brand, speak their brand language. So, you know, so we had to get a broker and we had to I mean, we had to do mountains of paperwork.

And, you know, it's a process, you know what I mean? Like, if it's not, it's not. You just go to some meetings and they say, yes, no. Like, you need to know dimensions of your product, what's in it. You know, you have to sign up on certain platforms to register your UPC codes. You have to have just one bar codes.

I mean, there's just so many levels of things that you have to do. You have to have good packaging. Right, because it has to. It is. You're essentially using their real estate to sell your products. Right. So so you so you have to have really clean, beautiful packaging. You know, you can't go into the target and everything that isn't in order for that matter, you know.

Yeah. You know, so there was just so there was so much that we had to do and that any brand has to do, frankly. And then then that's when we raised money, when we were going into Target.

That was the time to fund the the amount of product that you would have to buy to stock in.

Yeah. You can see the amount of money that you have to have. To buy inventory, because it's not like it's not like when we used to make it in our kitchen, right. And you can assembly line it and you can make hundreds of bottles a day doing that, you know, you can work for a few days and, like, really pump some shit out. Right. But like, when you're going into a mass market, retailers. And you really have to understand what your concept is like, how much this finished product, when it's done, what is all this cost? Right. It's hard to do that when you're just doing it yourself. It can happen.

But, you know, using a manufacturing and tapping into their resources was like really the only way that we could do it. Right. Otherwise you'd have to have your own manufacturing facility and all those types of things.

So, yeah, like you must. In my mind, it's easier if you have a contract manufacturer because it's hard to be taking your business from zero, right, trying to get it to 100 because if you're manufacturing your own things. You are a manufacturer and you are a consumer packaged goods company. Your mom got it right. Yeah, I've never thought of it like that. You're essentially running two businesses. You know, it may all be the same business, but you're pretty much running two businesses and that's complicated and scaling into volume retail that's good is complicated enough, you know. That's why we chose that route. It allowed us to focus on the business and raising money and the scale and in in the forecasting and the planning and all those things because we didn't have a clue of what we were doing, you know.

Yeah, I guess first time fundraising is like a huge challenge for anyone and crazy. You just don't even realize the time that it takes. Everyone that I speak to is always like, yes, we didn't realize how long fundraising takes yet.

Yeah. And the reason why it takes so long is because you think somebody's just going to fucking cut you a check. You think somebody is just going to say it goes one hundred thousand or a million or whatever? No, they need to know your life. They need to get into your business. They want to understand how much money you made last year. Did you do your taxes? What is your profit and loss statement? And most of the time in the beginning, you're running at a loss like profitability is not is not realistic in the first few years or sometimes ever. Right. You know, they want to understand who's on your team, who are you going to hire? Where is my money going? What's your marketing strategy? How are you going to execute that? Who's going to run your operations like. No person in their right mind would just hand you money. They need to understand what you're doing and then they need to feel comfortable, especially for us, because that was a family and friends around. So these weren't life and these weren't like. Investors with funds, these were investors with their own money, you know what I'm saying? So it's like somebody worked their whole fucking life for that. You think they're just going to know and you know, and and then sometimes it's hard because. You're pitching and pitching and pitching, and you're like dating somebody in a way, right, and trying to trying to just get them in in their best graces and just trying to get them to a yes. And then at the last minute, they could be like, you know what, I don't think that this is I don't really think that this is the right, you know, I mean, they break you and ghost you break up with you and goes they break down and go shooting it.

And guess what? That's their right to do that because it's their fucking money, you know? So it's just a lot of that. It's a lot of unknown. It's a lot of things that are completely a thousand percent not in your control.

Yeah, a lot of rejection.

I hear a lot of rejection. A lot you have you get so comfortable with rejection is ridiculous. Like no doesn't even mean no. I mean, I'm a salesperson.

My my works history as I, I worked in sales, I worked as I worked at Whole Foods in the store as a sales person, a buyer in the store, merchandise in the store. And then I left there and I became a broker. So now. Like it at Whole Foods, you were my customer when I became a broker, Whole Foods became my customer and I basically sell products. Right? And then from there, I was the area sales manager for Caltrop Company, which was basically the same thing as broker. But I worked directly for the brand, so I was doing all that. Wow.

Oh, you weren't working on honey pot full time in the beginning.

How is that possible? How can you do that?

If I did, the honey pot would have suffered the money that honey pot would have been paying me, would have needed to go into some other shit, honey, they needed, you know, honey pot and afford to pay a living wage where I could, like, eat well and, you know, a decent place. You know what I'm saying? It was in a way.

And then you're able to have that balance of, you know, when your side hustle is tipping the scales and you're actually ready to jump into it and do it full time.

For me, it was never a side hustle. I was doing really well and I was still working another job well into getting into Target. We were in Target. We were in Target like six months before I quit.

Oh, wow. Holy moly. That's so cool.

What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs who are going through fundraising or who want to think about fundraising?

When you think about fundraising, don't you think that it doesn't just happen?

It's not like you just start a business and all of a sudden now you should raise the money, right?

Unless you have a track record for running businesses and you've done this before. In that circumstance, it might be easier for you to raise money if you're if you're just starting something. Right. But don't raise money until you're kind of desperate to raise money, especially if you do what I do, because every investor is going to want to know what kind of scandal you have and what have you done. How can you show me that the thing that you make works, right? Like, those things are important. And if you're not able don't make me wrong.

There's people that raise capital before their businesses launch. Those people typically have connections. Those people typically have relationships. Those people typically know how to raise money and they've got maybe a team or maybe they have a tech play or something like that, you know, but in the consumer packaged goods space, it's really important that you understand your business first and that you know what it's like to struggle before you go and ask somebody else for their money. You know, it's just not a good it's just not a good idea, you know what I mean? I believe in raising capital when you really when you are fucking desperate for. When you've got a reason like you're like you, you figured out how to make half a million on your own.

You figure that out right. And you know the thing that works and and you know how you're going to be able to scale. And you need if you had a million dollars and you've already made half a million to a million. Right. One your company has worth. Right in today's world, in this cold world, they are not just passing out bread like they were, they weren't. They're not just passing out valuation's like they were just six months ago. You understand what I'm saying? So it's important that your company has more because it's going to be worth something.

And if you haven't made any money. And you're trying to raise money, you know, how can you say that your business is worth multiple millions when you've made zero? Right. And that's why you would need to have a solid, ridiculous expertise in that thing and have a team and a squad, they had ridiculous expertise in that day and created some sort of Aveda or something for people to be able to buy into to just raise capital. But say you are a person who has made half a million to 50. You figure it out and it hasn't taken you long to do it. Maybe a business has only been around for two or three years, but you figured out how to make six figures like me, six figures, right? You have if you're that person, you ask them, you know what I mean? You can go out and raise some fucking money because you've figured out how to get it from zero to two fifty a half a million or a million and two or three years. You got some stuff in there. You know what you're doing, right? So you can say you can sit down with an investor and be like, look. I've I've figured out how to make half a million in two years, right? I need to raise a million. My business is worth three or four or five. You're going to know that you're going to sell more more equity on your first rate than any raise.

And, you know, and and you can put the game down that way. But it's just essential that you understand your shit, because if not, you don't want to be the person who starts a business, raises capital and the shit fails. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself for a.

Yeah. That stress is not what you want.

No is sure. Investors know it's a bet is a 50 50. They typically savvy investors may invest in for it just for easy numbers. Maybe they invest in five businesses. They know that only two to one or two of them is going to go with the one or two that they invested in is really going to go. So it's going to be able to make up for the fact. Right. But, you know, so it's all a numbers game. But the devil is in the details when you when you're thinking about raising capital. And it really needs to be for good reason. Don't just do it. Understand how to make your own money. Yeah, I understand it's important, that's what that's what investors invest in, they invest in a founder who has figured the shit out, who took that that was at zero and made it into something crazy.

That's what they want. That's that's what makes us so special. That's what makes us special, is our businesses, yes, those are special, but the humans that run the ship.

That are tactile, that have grit, that have focused, that don't give a fuck about no, that can drive, that can see the massive and when you start to raise money, you've got to think massive. Having the vision visionary, you have to be a visionary. There is no Plan B.. Yeah, this is the only fucking plan, right? You pay people to be conservative. You can't be conservative. You have to think big and you have to believe in yourself on levels. You know, I was talking to him the other day and made the analogy because it's really like you're about to climb Mount Everest. You're not real to real shit. Right. And in order to climb Mt. Everest, you got to climb other mountains. Yeah, right, so you got to be here for it if you're going to climb Mount Everest, you can fucking die climbing Mount Everest. And in doing this is the same shit, like really doing it, not just doing it, just to have a little life. I mean, when you really doing it, like when this is what you do, when you when you are doing it because, you know, the thing that you're doing is going to get you to Asuman. I love that there is no personal and I mean personally. You have to think what, you got to be a monster. You got to be a fucking assassin and we got to go in and nobody can heal, you got to murder shit and you've got to get out of here.

That's how you have to be. So don't ask nobody for their money if you're not that human. Mm hmm. Figure out how to do this shit on your own. Right, and then you don't just start out as a ninja, they got to train for their shit and he's starting out and figuring shit out and failing. And all of that is important for getting to the place where you need to ask somebody for money. Yeah, right. Don't just don't just go out just looking for mentors. Mentors are cool, but that she has a fucking place, you understand? I'm saying that she has a place you don't need to have somebody that you always can fall back on, but that you got to fail because that's how you learn. You know, don't make me wrong. There's a place for mentorship. There's a place for people that can advise you. But no adviser wants somebody come in and have every little fucking thing you need to be able to be out here. Yeah. And you got to figure it out. And if you've been doing stuff for 10, 15 years and I figured it out yet, you might want to find something else.

Yes, absolutely.

Because, you know, it takes time to build a business. Right, but you have to understand how it's moving and if it's not moving, how you need it, what what is your pivot? What do you have to do?

You know, yes, totally.

I want to talk about your marketing now. What's working for you guys? I know you have a great community on Instagram. Everyone's really close, really supportive.

What's working for you guys at the moment?

I think what's working for them, for us is our authenticity, I think was working for us is that we are willing to have conversations that people that aren't popular, you know, we're willing to make things OK that aren't OK, not that we can make them OK, but but, you know, vagina's smile sometimes, right?

Vagina's bleed, vagina's get infections vagina's balance gets thrown off.

You guys have been fibroids, have been endometriosis. Have the herpes have it's a Tappan's HIV happens. All other kinds of cancers happen, all kinds of things happen with vaginas, with bodies, you know fibroids. Have all these things happen.

And if that's the case, then what does that mean? That means that these things are normal. These are these are like present day things. No human on the planet didn't get here without a vagina. Or a penis, right?

So these really shouldn't be things that are weird because I took those things literally, literally for every human to be on this planet. Even if you didn't come out of a vagina, even if your mommy had a C-section. Right, something still has to happen. Somebody was still getting busy in order for you to be here. So. Right. Like, so sex shouldn't be shameful, you know, human rights and menstrual rights and justice and people that bleed in our in our homeless should not have to fucking walk around with blood soaked clothes.

Right. Like, that's just not like why is that a thing that's not OK, you know? And so I we have a mantra to have conversations that nobody wants to have and to say life is cool. You know, what's not cool is that if you go to your doctor and your doctor, treat you like shit because you got to meet the survivors and they don't take your pain. Series was not close when a black woman goes. Is having a baby right in her pain, isn't take a serious. Right. And in and because black women are dying.

More than any other race. When they have babies, that's crazy, that's crazy. That is absurd. You know, I heard a story.

I can't think of this lady's name, but she's like a historian and she focuses on reproductive health and she knows the history of gynecology and obstetrics as she was talking about how her and her husband were going to have a baby. They wanted to have a baby, but she had to go to the IVF clinic. She had to get worked up, you know, and whatever the procedure was, they didn't put her under. Right. They basically told her to just take an ibuprofen before she got there.

Right. She said they're. They drilled into her body. Oh, God. She clearly was in a lot of pain.

The nurse, the nurse and the doctor really didn't acknowledge her, hey, you know, they did their procedure, they derailed. And I mean, it was invasive. What they did, you understand? They left her in the fucking world for 30 minutes, they said they gave her a wipe the slate clean up. Somebody will be back in 30 minutes to pick you up.

That is horrendous, didn't even come back in the room to check on you understand what I'm saying? Yeah, I don't know. Maybe they treat all their patients that way. I'm not sure. You know, a woman who has endometriosis have fibroids and she goes to the doctor. And the doctor treats her as if she's making it up. Right. Or is if her pain tolerance should be higher than somebody else's? You know, in Indonesia, some painful shit that's tissue's that's like you understand, this is like. It's crazy.

Yeah, and they go to their doctors and their doctors, you know, just shut it off like it's just the normal thing. Like it's in like and nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody wants to talk about menopause.

Right. What's the word that comes a women applause crazy.

Right, you fucking right, somebody feels crazy when they're on menopause, their hormones are all over the place. Mm hmm. Right. They may have gotten a hysterectomy, so they don't have the body function to do with their bodies, but they're not making estrogen the right way, you understand? Yeah. How can you be functioning as a normal human? When you don't have all the shit that normal humans have.

Yeah, and I guess having a place where women can come and learn and have somewhere that they can talk about this kind of thing or just be like, oh, hang on, I'm normal. This is all happening over here.

You're actors. All the shit is normal. Nothing about this is abnormal. Why are we acting like this is not something that we should talk about?

Why in most conversations do I have people like, you know, the thing that I like about you is the vagina is the dirty word. It's like, how can it be a dirty word? How many times did you do with your vagina? The day, sister, you go you go pool, you wash it. If you are on your period, you got to change a pattern, a tampon or your cup or whatever it is that you're doing. Right. If you have a fun night, you do that. You still got to take a shower. So how many times a day do you deal with your vagina? Yeah. How is it that this is not normal? Absolutely. Normal conversation. Absolutely. Yes. And these are the things that I'm personally really passionate about, and these are the things that we focus on, you know.

Yeah. And I can absolutely feel in your where you're talking online, you're marketing. It's all authentic and therefore people resonate. Women resonate with it. And they're like, yeah, we need to be here first.

And then the other thing, too, is that not every human with a vagina considers himself a woman.

You understand what I'm saying? What about if they are trans man?

Right, who's talking to them?

And not making them feel like they're making shit weird, you know, like, yeah, so so like, yeah, it's some. I just want to be the company that treats people like human beings. And talks in real terms and talks in real terms, says it how it is a issue, what it is, and in whatever it is, it's bad enough. If you've got something going on with your body, you shouldn't have to compare that with hurt and shame and guilt. And in and you understand what I'm saying. You should have to deal. If you already have a mountain, you shouldn't have to build another mountain of negative energy. On top of that, you know, and I want I want to be the brand that helps to move this second mountain out the way. Right, and B, if activists around helping people to align with their vagina and whatever the hell is going on with it, let's just figure out how to sort it out. Right, let's figure out how to take care of it. Let's figure out how to love it. Let's figure out how to be kind to yourself. Let's do that. You know, and anybody that has that something that wants to bring you down, let's say fuck them. Right. And let's just be focused on the things that matter.

Absolutely. What advice do you have for women who have a big idea and want to launch their own thing?

Do it. You know, and and know that it takes a long time. You know, it takes. At least five, six years, sometimes more. You know what I mean? It just takes a long time.

And sometimes for some people, they just have a knack and they figure it out, you know, and that's cool, too. But I understand that you have to do what you have to try it. Don't think if you make a skincare product or food or something like that, don't think that you got to just go to a contract manufacturer right now, figure out how to make it yourself, you know, figure out how to do it on the on the grassroots level. And then once you get it big enough where you have to go and you don't go to a manufacturer unless you have to or unless you have the money to. You know, and if you didn't actually have the money or you aren't connected to the money, don't kill yourself trying to do that. That's to figure out how to make it yourself. And for a while, for at least three or four months, give that shit away for free, build up community around it, understand what's happening with it, get data, do your own version of a clinical trial, because that's important. It's important to know what people think about in the world and them to pay for it if you don't know how good it works. Right, because that's important.

So do it and don't be afraid to get learnings from it. And don't think that you have to hire like huge influencers and spend ridiculous amounts of money on marketing. And you don't have to do all that. You know, you can keep things simple. You can you can build online and build your community. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Just focus on making a great product that people actually want to focus on, making a great product that people actually want.

And then as things start to grow and you realize the products are really good, then just, you know, just keep growing and it takes time. It takes building the website. Don't try to build a website by yourself. If you don't know how to do it, don't do that. Go to a ninety nine designs or for Bland or seven lemons or one of those type of companies that can really help you that know how to do that. That's what they do. But they don't cost billions of dollars. Right.

It's not like going to an agency and agencies are going to out there rip. They're going to at least be fifty thousand one hundred thousand two hundred thousand. I talked to Agency one time. Tell me it cost me a million dollars to build my website with them.

And I was like, kiss my ass. I'm not saying that is absurd, you know, wow, this is this is the thing. This is crazy. Don't be afraid to when you build a website, try to find yourself like a gross marketer. Right. Don't just go to any marketer because everybody's a marketer these days, you know, try to find like a freelance marketer. It don't do any contracts with them, make it month to month. Right. Maybe even make sure they get paid as the date, you know, maybe pay them something. But but but build in a commission type of a thing, you incentivized so that they can scale it so they can scale it because there isn't if there is enterprise going to get off the ass, you know, when you make products, don't make them face to stupid names. You should call it what it is because consumers want to understand what they're buying. When you do your website, don't make it make it to Werritty. Nobody fucking reads. Honestly, it clear, clear, keep it concise. Don't get crazy with your package and keep it simple and add your packaging can always change my bags. One barcodes don't get any other Baako GASCOINE barcodes are a little pricey, but it's important that you get those because if your products go into retail or something in the future, you got to have a good one. Barcode. That's the only barcode that those systems understand. Didn't know that. Did you know that? Yeah, I'm sure that's useful to everyone listening yet. G.S. one barcodes and try to try to hire a specialist, maybe colleagues one to see if they can can if you can't figure out how to do it on your own and you've got a little bit of money, call to see if you can get somebody to help you to do it right.

Like affably. Denise knows how to do that, right?

Know. So it's. Hiring experts to do the job is pretty essential. And not afterwards, they have to be outlandishly expensive. Right, but if you could pay somebody a thousand dollars to do something rather than you spend your time trying to figure something out, that is a better use of your time.

Yes. So true. So true. Thank you for that. We are up to the six quick questions. Part of the interview. Question number one is what's your why?

Man, I love humanity. That's my wife.

I love that question. Number two is what's been the number one marketing moment that made your business pop?

One of the major ones was when we went viral with Target in the launch campaign, not in the launch campaign we've been in, Target says twenty seventeen. But this last year we did a commercial with Target for around Black History Month. We were the founder of one of the founders, if they could believe it. And that's what they built it around. It was around Black History Month and Women's History Month, and it went viral. People thought what I said was racist. It was we don't even have to talk about that. But it was it was a lot. That was definitely a thing.

Yeah. It propelled you to another level because everyone everyone saw it.

Yeah. I mean, you know, millions of people saw millions people support it and all that stuff.

Yeah, absolutely. Question number three is where do you hang out to get smarter.

Where do I hang out to get smarter? In books and with smart people.

Are you reading anything in particular at the moment?

Yes, the book that I just started reading. I have books that I go back to continuously. Oh, yeah, but the book is called The Mountain is You.

The Mountain Is You.

Buy Brianna West the level of responsibility and accountability, which is like the sales work that I live in. Like, I. I just want to be so responsible and accountable with myself. And I don't want to project or assume or deserve shit. I just, you know, I don't want to do that. So it's a really good book if you're at that place or you're like, yeah, it sounds really powerful.

I'm going to note it down on my list. Thank you. Question number four is how do you win the day? And that's around your rituals that keep you feeling happy and successful and motivated to keep present. That's a nice one. I haven't heard that before. That's so true, it's easy to get lost and be thinking back, be thinking forward when we just should focus on the right now, this minute who are talking to what we're doing right. What the task is. I love that question. Number five is, if you only had a thousand dollars left in your business bank account, where would you spend it? A.

That's a good fucking question, we would have spent it.

Oh, that's good. I would probably.

Spend two fifty on it on ads. Because.

I realize it's good, it is, you know, it's a little a.

Industry standards. I'd probably spend.

Two fifty on oh, that's Hardeman.

I probably spend five hundred on ads, actually. All right. Nice, and then I would spend the other 500.

Why would I spend the other five hundred?

I'd have to send the other 500 on shipping out the products that the ad sold, you know, hopefully those customers are real happy with that shipping and they know exactly love it.

Question number six, last question is, how do you deal with failure? And it can be around a personal experience or your typical mindset and approach.

It's inevitable. And there's no way to control it, so. Bring the shit on.

School like Ahmadu is just get back up and keep moving forward.

Yeah, a hundred percent hundred percent fee. Thank you so much for taking the time to be on female startup today. I am so happy to have met you and to talk about your business. Thank you so much and all the cool shit you're doing for women around the world and needs to be more people like you.


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